Saturday, October 10, 2009

A Few Pies Finished!

In reference to my last posting, I finally have a few of the "pies" out of the oven and they "look" great. Chapters 4, 5, and most of 6 have been retooled and look much better. I must have been going through somewhat of a fog when I wrote them as I hit the delete button a LOT in the latter two chapters mentioned. It freed up some page space, which is what I wanted as I still have stories finish (and two to start). With the amount of pages left it, didn't seem to be enough. Now I can get back to writing and then return to the rough draft for further tweeking later!

Been a wild week, weather-wise around here. My grandparents old "stomping grounds" had an F-0 tornado that struck early yesterday morning. While I've traipsed in car and on foot over those hallowed grounds, it's nothing like hearing about it and pulling up the maps to see what you DO remember and want to go back and see. Several cousins still live in the general area, not to mention many an ancestor buried there, so am glad to know that everyone is doing okay and suffered no damage. Kinda odd, though, in reading and listening about the tornado and the area on the Breck. Co. radio station's online website and on the local Louisville news. Breck. Co. isn't "famous" in the Louisville area unless something major happens there. So while it was an F-0 tornado... it threw me to hear about the area I've been to, as well as have in my books... sorta. While set in an area that is in and around Big Spring.... the tiny towns of Custer and Dyer are a little piece away... locals term that it's "only as far as the crow flies". Hmmmmmmmm!!!!!

Off to do some researching for a cousin who is interested in a family connection concerning a good friend of his. Having a bit of an uncommon surname, my cousin and his friend wondered if they were related. While I can trace back the friend's family lines pretty well, I've not been as fortunate on my cousin's paternal side (which is the one I need to get info on). It's been almost 30 or so years since I've talked to or seen my former uncle. Am praying he's receptive to my phone call and will help... and not ask questions about his two sons. Long story that goes with all that, but I want to respect my cousin's wishes. Hope it's a good phone call. Hope it's an informative phone call. Hope it's a short one, in one sense!

Have a great Saturday! 6 days until "the day". Uggggghhhh!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Too Many Pies, Not Enough Ovens

This one is going to be a short posting as I need to be at a Yard Sale VERY shortly. Chapter Ten proved to be not only a crucial chapter, but one that bogged me down. I wanted to make sure I got the pivotal items in place to begin wrapping up this particular book, but was finding it hard to get in my mind what I wanted to say and put it on paper. After two weeks of brooding over it in my head and making as much progess in that time as what I would in two days, I finally got past the "elephant in the room". Made a phone call to Hardinsburg, posed some situations to them, and Karen helped out tremendously in what began to flow in my head as the ending solution to the abuse/alcohol storyline that I've been working on. I think what slowed me up was trying to reconcile my mind that I was writing fiction beyond the family story that I was patterning Matthew Connor after. Once I came into realization of that, it really started to flow a little easier.

Never the less, it was all still so very slow. Now that I've eased around that elephant, I can finish it up as well as concentrate more on Alexandria and her situation, as well as the bump up of a minor character to a major character status. I still have the next book in which this minor character's complete assimilation into the main family will happen, but the ground work almost ready to be put in place.

If you're wondering about the title of this posting... think of someone that has so many things going on and not enough time in the day to do them all. I think "Too Many Pies, Not Enough Ovens" is very appropriate with what's going on in my life right now.

And with that, it's off to the Yard Sale.