Hi there everyone....
It has been a crazy year. Yes, I said year, for it has been nearly that long since I last updated the blog. Between moving, getting settled in, vacation time, "me" time, and a promotion at work, it has been wild and crazy. The end of October was I diagnosed with diabetes, so you can imagine what life has been like as a result. I've dropped 25 lbs. as a result, and still getting life back in order.
The latest book has just come out as of yesterday. "The Heart Mended" picks up with the latest concerning the children of James and Ella Gray. If you read, "The Heart Broken", the last chapter of the book skipped ahead five years in time and left you hanging with the sudden death of a much beloved character. When Ella Gray died, so did the hopes and dreams of her children.... or so they thought. Through the kindness and compassion of family friends, it seems that the Gray children are reliving their mother and uncle's lives from almost forty years earlier.
This book was a delight to write, and it mentally flowed out onto my keyboard and screen as if I were witness to it actually happening before my eyes. I had even seen a wonderful dress a year or so ago that I hoped one day to be able to use in one of my future books. Lo and behold, the book ended up being "The Heart Mended". I'll post a picture of the dress that will be the "wedding dress" talked about. And yes, there is a wedding... and of a main character! I won't ruin the surprise.
I'm presently working on the fourth book in the series. It is tentatively titled, "The Heart Remembers". In this book, it will not only keep the current story moving, but will go back in time and reveal the histories behind Grandpa Benjamin and Grandma Ruth's families (of the first book, "The Heart's Desire). It will be quite a stretch for me to research and write about a time period that isn't really my forte', but I'm going to give it a try and go from there. The worst that can happen... it flounders and isn't any good. I won't give up, though. The book after that will be the first of possibly two books that cover the Civil War era in Breckinridge County and the nation.
Going to close for now. I'll be posting a picture of the above mentioned dress shortly! Have a great one in Him!!