Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Time Has Arrived

Hey there everybody....

Well, the time has finally arrived to where I need to get my own page up and running. It was hard passing on the online purchasing address for my books, so I decided to create a blog. It'll help me provide the links regarding my past books, and any future ones to be written, that someone might want to buy through my publisher.

This is in it's infancy stage, so I'm hoping to get all the kinks worked out and the page set up nicely.... as well as in a format that is easy to use for everyone!

I'm hoping to provide "buttons" which would send you straight to the individual book you might wish to purchase. They should be on the sidebar, but keep a look out. I'll let you know when they are up and running!

Have fun!


  1. Hi, Dana! Congrats on the new book and new blog! I'm looking forward to following along. :)

    Sara R.

  2. Thankee ma'am! And thanks for the advice of getting a blog started!
