Saturday, August 22, 2009

.... Chapter Five.... Chapter Six

It's the end of another work week and the housework just won't go away. Two loads of laundry in, a trip to the store, and now I'm sitting here waiting for possible rain to hit. I think any rain might put me more in the mood for what I have to write over most of the chapter I'm working on.

I'm now at, and have been working on, Chapter Six over the past two days. While it's been trying, at times, to get down what I want to say... it's actually been coming a little better than I expected. Now that I'm in to Chapter Six, not only is it flowing, but I had to do something I didn't want to do. The whole time I'm thinking... "I don't want to do this, I don't want to do this". Some might say, "Then don't do it.". I wish it were that simple. If I don't do it, then I can't achieve what I need. If I go ahead and do it, then I can continue on with the story like it's suppose to be. Boy am I gonna hear it later on from Lexi! She's one of my kids from church that I took care of in the nursery back about five years ago. God has given her quite a love for reading. At age ten, I think her mom said she's reading on a 7th grade level. So if for no other reason, I write because of the simple ability to give her (and girls like her) the chance to read something that their parents won't have to worry about the content of. Anyone else is gravy on the roast beef sandwich!

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Dana,
    Kudos to you for writing clean stuff! It requires so much more creativity to do that than the other. Praying you have a wonderful writing week (and the laundry gets done:)
