Saturday, August 29, 2009

On to the next chapter...

Well, it's on to Chapter 7 now. I had thought about taking Chapter 6 and making it longer than it has actually turned out. In the end, it was so emotional for me to write, I didn't want to do anything but this particular family for the entire chapter. When you read this section, this will make sense. Chapter 7, though, will be the beginning of a budding romance and the return of a beloved character because of events in the previous chapter.

Am now looking in to 1850 probate laws and estate settlement laws for Kentucky. Last thing I need to do is write something and it not be as plausable or "realistic" as possible. Hahahaaa... and the last thing I want to do is be bored out of my mind reading dry material that I barely understand... so THAT little task (reading the laws) should be an interesting turn!

Oh, and Mr. Matthew Conner.... despicable character of the "month".... he took a somewhat humanly turn. A developing mystery into just WHAT the events were that caused him to go mean and seek an escape in alcohol has been introduced. I know in real life there are those that truly are mean just because they want to be mean. I just can't help, though, thinking that there wasn't something somewhere in the past that affected the individual which made them give up on thinking there was good in people.... somewhere deep down. Thing is, some people have their "good" buried so deep within that you really have to search them to find it. That means a lifetime of searching before it's finally found. And then for others... it simple means a visit with Him for it to begin to peek out which saves a lifetime of trying. But back to Matthew. His demons are real people who have hurt him beyond the hurt of losing his mother when he was young. And one in particular not only hurt him, he wanted to drive him from the family home and take away whatever he could to ensure HE had the family inheritence. In the end, while it may seem he succeeded, nothing bad ever succeeds for long! At least, not in my books!

Happy Saturday everyone... should be a good one, so get out and enjoy it while it lasts!

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