Friday, November 13, 2009

Almost At The Finish Line

Well, it's been over a month since I posted to my blog, but life intruded yet once again. The downturn in the economy has been such that the daycare has seen a drop off in enrolled children which has resulted in combining classes as well as fluxuating hours. While in once sense it's not a good thing, in another sense it's not a bad thing.

With the fluxuation of hours, I'm taking on new and different responsibilities with the newly acquired title of assistant director (actually I'm one of two now). While I like the change in hours and duties, there are times I yearn for teaching again. Heheheee... but one day or afternoon in the a classroom shows me that I really do need a break. As a result, though, I stay in a "stressful" state because I'm not one that takes to change easily. I'm forever wondering if I'm getting everything done that needs be done, or if I'm forgetting that one little thing that makes my (or someone else's) job a little easier down the road. While some might look at this whole change as a "not so good thing", I'm looking at it as God's blessing to learn during a period when time is a little easier to find!

Writing has been unusually slow the past several weeks. I don't think it's so much that I don't have anything to say, I'm wrapping up the book... so there's lots to say! I think God's intentions were for me not to write during the last couple of weeks. It's been a "struggle" of sorts to get down what I want to say, but with good reason. I'm wrapping up the story of Alexandria (based on the last years of life for my cousin, Lieta); starting the new storyline of Mabel... which not only will be a main story in the next book, but serve to set a tone throughout all the books (honoring/remembering the midwives and medically inclined of my ancestors); and the culmination of one beloved character's life. It will be SO hard to write them out, but it has to be done for the advancement of storyline. I also will be introducing a set of characters, for the series' third book, that will be based on the lives of my g-grandmother's brother and wife, half brother and wife. I really get to explore the area of religion during the mid-nineteenth century through the latter two groups of characters, as well as that of a woman preacher in rural America. It should be VERY interesting.

All that said, now I must head off for work. While the hours are crazy, at least it's a paycheck doing one of the things I love... taking care of children!


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