Well, it is finally finished. The rough draft of "The Heart Broken" was finished Thursday night, and I can say I'm pleased with it. The last chapter was a little difficult to write, as I knew what I wanted to say but didn't quite know how to say it. The last page or two was the most difficult as I had to go slowly so as to not lose the reader from the "speeding up of time". What I had intended to be a storyline in the next book was rather shortened and at the end of this particular book, meaning the storylines were bumped up a bit.
In this book there is the culmination of the 1849 tornado, the loss of several major characters, the rebuilding of many lives, and the introduction of several new characters. I've covered things regarding the Conner family and Alexandria Ford and their roles in this book. What I didn't cover was a few other characters. There was the expansion of the young Mabel Parker friend to Cora Gray. Mabel and Cora are roughly the same age. They attend school together and are best friends. Mabel eventually is called upon to help out, but will she be successful or not in her endeavors. Then there is the introduction of the stern stepfather Jacob Mercer. He could care less about his stepchildren, as his only desire is to sire children of his own. While he's a minor character and only in a brief section of the book, his impact will be felt throughout the next book in the series, "The Heart Mended".
The last set of characters briefly mentioned in "The Heart Broken" are Thomas and Emma Green. He from Virginia, she from Southeastern Kentucky, they arrive in Big Spring in late 1850 and are looking to fulfill their heart's desire and a new ministry in the area. What Emma fails to realize is that women preachers, or women as the head of a church, aren't well received in 1854 nor in rural Kentucky. What she endures will break your heart, but route for her and her family none the less.
All that said, I need to be getting ready for a baby shower for a cousin. Happy Reading!!
Saturday, November 21, 2009
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Dana, Your books sound postively epic:) My kind of reading! And I love your titles No need to change those! Glad to hear you're doing well.