Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Seventeen Years of Memories

Well, after living for seventeen years in the same apartment complex, I am finally moving to a new apartment. For twelve years mom and I lived in a second floor apartment before the necessity of a first floor unit. I am presently living in that first floor apartment and have since Aug., 2003. A jarring incident almost two weeks ago made me realize my safety wasn't as secure anymore, nor was Baby's. It seems someone decided to set the hallway of the apartment building on fire. Of four families, only one was home that day... thankfully... or the whole building would have went up in flames and everything a total loss. Goes to show just how much prayer can change things. Every night I pray a hedge of protection around myself and Baby, the room, the apartment, the building, et. al. Then I ask God to have His Hand upon us with secure and complete safety for all that we need to do.

As you can imagine, I'm in the process of going through seventeen years of memories. Since moving here, my grandparents (who showed us these apartments) and my brother and my mom have passed away. I just found out a few days ago how much I'm like mom (in not wanting to face going through item of someone deceased) as she had two drawers that need to be sorted through of dad's things. He died in Jan., 1986. Just like in the apartment safety and security issues, I'm having to trust God to help me make the right decision on what to keep and what to get rid of. There've been tears shed, but also a realization of just how good I've had it. The handcarved wooden clock that my brother gave my mom for Christmas (which doesn't work now, the endless mounds of video tapes mom did of her favorite shows, various books, my washer and dryer, one of the entertainment centers... all have to go. If not for lack of "hook ups", it's for lack of room.

I guess I'm learning that just like with God, there are times for keeping and times for letting go. Just as the tree needs pruning to grow even more than it already has, I'm pruning life so I can grow even more that I already have.

Have a great one!!


  1. I had read and reviewed your book Forget Me Not,absoutly loved it so when Debbie said she had The Hearts desire to be reviewed and did I want it I jumped at the chance and read it one day. Another great book you have written and can't wait for the next one to be out. You write the kind of books that I love to read.
    Bless You

  2. Thank you SO MUCH, Lynn, for the kind words. It was the blessing I needed this morning... and for it to be on "The Heart's Desire", just made my heart sing.

    I have the rough draft for the sequel to "The Heart's Desire" done, and have began going back and retooling it for the proofer. So far I'm up through Chapter 9, with seven chapters left to retool. Hopefully it will be as exciting and you'll enjoy it as you did "The Heart's Desire".

    Have a great one!!
