Monday, February 8, 2010

And We're Off....

This has been one very exciting weekend. Not only did I get my income tax in, but it provided me with the chance to order a grouping of both books for a book fair the end of March. My cousin, Duke, had spent several days going through and finding places and groups that offered various types of products for authors and even contacted two different Christian bookstores regarding the placement of my books. God love him!! He's getting a half ton of peanut brittle, if not a whole ton of it!

Just when I thought it couldn't get any better, I contacted AFAF (Almost Famous Author's Faire) regarding placing my book on their submissions list. That's when I found out about the pending book fair but that I had a possible chance at gaining an actual publisher. Up until now I'd been printing on demand through If anyone wanted a book, they either had to purchase it directly through them or go through me... and I would pray I had the money to pay for the book until their check went through. I've been in email contact with Bearhead Publishing, a small, local publishing company, and will learn at some point this week if I am someone they are interested in taking on. The "roughest part" was making sure I wasn't held down by Lulu for anything that might hamper any positive work that might occur with Bearhead Publishing. Keep your fingers crossed! I will post to let you know if and what happens when it does.

For those that will be in the area of Clarksville, Indiana, at the Green Tree Mall from noon until 7pm on March 27th, there will be a book fair hosted by AFAF (Almost Famous Authors Faire). We'll be set up in the courtyard down by J. C. Penney's, so come look me up! I'll have plenty of books on hand to sell and sign while I'm there. If I run out, I can take pre-orders and mail them to you directly when they come in. I have a feeling this is going to be a VERY exciting week for me, in the book writing field. Stay tuned!

Off to bed for now. We're due 3-6" overnight tomorrow night, so I'll be hitting the store tomorrow for bread as I just pulled out my last loaf. Oh, and I'll need to replenish the hot chocolate and something sweet for the sweet tooth that's been growing!

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