Saturday, February 13, 2010

Decisions and Surprises

It has been a wild and crazy week. First it was a possible publishing company's interest in me and my books, then it was snow, then it was more snow, then it was more snow! We've had a break in the snow, the last round letting loose with 6". Weather forcaster are saying there is more scheduled to be on the way starting tomorrow. Depending on the track of the system, we'll get snow or we'll get SNOW. I think I'm going to have to make a trek to the store to get more dog food so the Pookie puppy is as ready for it as what I am.

Obtaining a publisher has been an interesting venture. There are several things on the table, the first being something local. I talked earlier this week with Bearhead Publishing based in Louisville, Kentucky about my books and publishing avenues. Due to scheduling conflicts this coming week, we will be meeting to talk the following week (barring any snow events). I'm interested to hear what they have to say and what they can do regarding the publishing and promoting of my future work. While it seems the first two in the series are probably out of their publishing control, it seems God is moving me into several different areas and places.

The second has been something on a "national" level. I've been retooling the next book in the series, tentatively entitled "The Heart Mended". I'm beginning to learn the ins and outs of the publishing world. I learned that the first two books in the series are under my ownership when it comes to the content within the pages of the book. Lulu Publications, though, holds complete and total publishing writes... so the first two books are not under my publishing control. In order to have a body of work to present to Writer's Edge or Christian Manuscript, I need to do some heavy "reflecting of the two previous books" in the first chapters of the newest book. It will provide them the ability to send it to a traditional publishing firm, versus a private/local firm, and there be no issues with ownership of the writing or publishing portions. Only time will tell! I'm not making rash decisions and have several that I'm talking with for guidance and help. Oh, and waiting on a contract lawyer too! All that said... I have a LOT of work to do on my part... but I'm up for it.

Have a great one and happy reading!!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you, Dana! So excited for you! The Lord is doing some amazing things in your life:)
